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God is causing the Church to Migrate ....

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KINGDOM CONVERSATION | Preparing His bride

Ayodeji Ezra-Williams Spiritual Eunuchs Wanted   Apostle, prophet, evangelist, pastor, and teacher, are all positions that people are applying for or self-proclaiming as though this is what God is in need of. The amount of people jockeying to be in the 5-fold ministry in the church is a highly crowded field. Many that are in these roles are not even called to them, but because they sound prestigious, people want them. With so many people in these roles, I have asked the Lord why the church is not more effective; why the kingdom has not advanced to the degree that we have people in these positions. The answer I got was surprising, but not surprising. One of the challenges of Christians is that they said a prayer but they did not change kingdoms. Because of this, many people have brought the world’s system into the church and have tried to impose it on the kingdom of God, but God Himself will not allow another system to overrule His system in the kingdom. So, we have used the name

Revelation and Apocalypticism Seven Minute Seminary

The Rapture in Matthew 24 & 1 Thessalonians 4 Seven Minute Seminary

Where Did Rapture Theology Come From Ben Witherington III

The Government of God

The Government of God But seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well . Matthew 6:33  Every man who has been chosen by God to serve Him on earth has an assigned kingdom. It is his job to replace his kingdom with God's Kingdom within that assignment. In order to carry this out, we must seek God for understanding . The basis for understanding is the exchanging of our ways for His Ways (methods). "Forego the world's ways (and the traditions of men), and gain the Kingdom's method of receiving. If you engage the world's system, you will be dependent upon it for your reward." What do we battle as we seek to transition into the Kingdom dynamic? Most often it is our preconceived notions, our traditions, and mindsets. The word of God says, "The traditions of men make the word of God to no affect." Our 'traditional mind-set' often blocks the very will of God in our lives. Why? Si